Monday, 20 January 2014

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

20 January
Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
- Eleanor Roosevelt 

There are people in this life who will take advantage of you and tell you who they think you are. 

During my recovery, I was sensitive and serious about almost all conversations my friends made, when others jokingly said 'You're fat,' immediately, it made an impact on me and I skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner and I remembered how diet coke became my only diet because it was zero calories. I would go on Tumblr or Google, and frantically search for 'How to be anorexic' or 'How to starve myself' and I was so desperate at being skinny. All the time, I felt like I was never good enough and I would hate myself and say 'I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm worthless. And sometimes, when I get all hungry, and my stomach started to rumble, I would remind myself how fat I am and how others will hate me because I'm fat.

And after all this time, I can never forget what they have said and sometimes it would affect me so badly.

Always remember, you are entitled to the life and love you deserve. The moment you let people make decisions on your behalf you have given up your dignity. But you can always get it back as long as you remember to connect with your higher power.

Stay Strong.

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